Monday, November 2, 2009

Temporary Silence

I find it that the beginning months of playing eve you remember them being hard to understand but, still quite enjoyable. The stories of the past I will remember and laugh at throughout the time I play eve. The stories of my recent actives aren’t as funny but I do try and find humor in every situation. The Red Hand of Nod merged our Corporation with a large one called DKA. They were a bunch of really awesome guys. They really helped us out. We opened up shop in a station called Ra Prime that was owned by the now dead -V- alliance. My first look at prime Rats was the response of pure joy and bliss. Of course my happiness never last for long and the alliance was overrun by what I believe was Dice and Atlas. All I can remember was I warped back there in a pod and all I could see were Goons, so still quite unsure of what happened there. If anyone knows, that’d be awesome if you could fill me in. sticking with DKA we got all of our stuff out of there a resumed looking for more 0.0 space. We found the “dreaded” Council. Actually they were not frightful at all but they were the only alliance I knew who didn’t stand a chance against an assault. My Friend Chiro loved it there mainly because of the gate camps. He could lock and kill pods, frigates, shuttles and if enough dps cruiser and titans before interceptors could lock them. It was nice because the pipe was just about always clear with some Jump Bridges in-between. After a short time of making no money from ratting we decided that it was time for me and a couple other guys to head off into the sun set once again looking for home…. Which didn’t end so well…

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fail Fit Moas

the name of the system escapes my mind but, most of the corp was online and roaming. We found a mining Ferox and killed it pretty darn fast. I dont think it had an shield seeing as how fast it went down. I was in a Stabber and the rest of the fleet was in Frigates. After a couple more hours of roaming and only finding little targets, all but three corperation members had logged for the night. Good ol’ Chiro found two Moa’s, we engaged them in a Rifters. Try as hard as I could I couldn’t get a lock on them. They had a little drone swam that I would normally shoot down but I was being jammed by both ships. Hugging the fender of one of the Moa’s the other one would get some distance and be able to hit me effectively. Ten minutes of warping in shooting some drones and warping out, I had enough! Docking up I walked into my Stabber and proceeded back to the belt where Chiro was keeping them busy. It seems that in every engagement that Chiro and I are in, he is the one to be the bait and last long enough for us to take them together. My Stabber was fully t2 fitted except the gun and the overdrives. Loaded in some Emp S and prayed to God they just had disruptors. Chiro took out the drones while I lit up the Moa. The only problem was that the other Moa had aquired some distance and once his friend was dead he was capable to disengage the assured lose of the fight. When I was fighting them in the Rifter I think me and Chiro came to the conclusion that this was not, friends out having fun. This was one person with two accounts attempting to PvP. Lesson learned, don’t take on a fast ship that you cannot track with your guns and use one person while PvPing.

Good Ol' Tar1

In Eve eventually there will always be one person in the game that pushes your buttons more than most players. Tar1 was that person for my corp but mainly Chiro and me. With us being war deced by the 100 man alliance, being nimble and avoiding their Mother ship’s, Hac’s, Titan’s…. well you get the point we were out manned. Tar1 war deced us and we only had one engagement with him. I took his wolf down to hull before he got away from my Thrasher. A couple weeks went by and I see a vagabond pilot yelling at him in local to come out and fight. Apparently Tar1 had been going around war declaring on everyone and their mother’s corporations. When he got bored he would leave his two man corperation and join a bigger one that people didn’t care to mess with. With those Tar1’s in the game make sure that he doesn’t get out of disruptor range when you have him into hull. Show him he isn’t as awesome as he thinks he is.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The war of Intergalactic

The 5 v 2 battle took place in a system that was full of ore, ice, miners and one jump from a low sec system. With the corporation slowly growing in size we soon became over populated in the very few systems we were roaming. We decided we would seek some revenge and war dec a corp that had been resisting us from the very start. It was a 32 man corporation with their Ceo being a three year player. We were looking for a challenge and decided we would have fun and try it out for size. Expecting them to be resisting us as normal. They all hid from a corporation much less experienced then them, as well as less manned. In our response to try and get them to come out they had a neighboring alliance war declare us as well. We continued business as usual on a couple exceptions of refraining to go into a handful of systems. We were up against command ship, battleships, battle cruiser and everything in-between. We had cruisers and frigates strictly as to not be caught and then torn to pieces. About 2 weeks thought the alliances war dec on us, they started to get extremely mad that we refused to fight them seeing as they had 100 + members, all of which had being playing twice as long all of us combined. Running and trying to get manageable fights we had our eye turned to Intergalactic to come back and find them in a huge mining operation. Putting on the red alert and checking who was on, Chiro and I set off to Hent to claim some kills. Upon scanning Intergalactic down we both warped in to find a Bantam along with two Retrievers and a bunch of Hulks. I can see now that I should have locked up a retriever but I popped the bantam instead. Their return was swift with cruisers, frigates, a raven and a Interceptor . The Ceo was in the interceptor and had killed me before in it. With me just haveing an afterburner he would be able to out range me and take us both down, one by one. I ran back to station while Chiro kept them busy. Fitted a microwarp drive and returned, with much haste. The interceptor was chasing Chiro down; I warped to Chio within 0 km, put on my mwd and engaged my scram. 500 m/s was not near enough speed for him to continue to speed tank. Two or three volley’s later it was all over. It was a good try but he fitted the same load out and brought the same tactic he did last time. With a genius there is always an idiot in the bunch. For some reason the Ceo came back in a raven along with a retriever pilot to take the rest of the ore. I couldn’t resist and opened fire on the retriever. Killing a couple more ships and podding the survivors I was on a role I wasn’t going to give up so easily. Chiro and I went to the plant to see what they had next in their arsenal. First ship to warp into the belt was the Raven next a Myrmidon then a tech 1 Minmetar interceptor. I had taken on a Myrmidon from the same corporation only a couple weeks back, and thought I could get the frigate and get out fast enough. At this point and time overloading my equipment would have been ideal. While warping in I took instant fire from the frigate. The raven didn’t really do much and the myrmidon with me scrammed and webbed from the frigate tore through me like butter. If I had only one more volley in me or T2 guns I believe I could have taken the ship out and warped away and been on round four. Overall it was a fun little war, until they joined an alliance and the alliance leader contacted me. He told me it would be in my best interested to take the War dec off from Intergalactic. If they joined an alliance it would immediately have done that. The guy was fairly nice about it but he kept calling me Mr. Rifter. I felt like he was Mr. Smith and I was the one to ruin his little matrix.

An Orca a day keep the doctor away

Thus far one of my biggest defeats was the orca on 04/24/09 17:19:00. I was flying my beloved Rifter throughout some systems looking for a fight. I didn’t find anything and Hulks would never shoot at me. I thought what the heck I will try it. Flipped his full can of Veldspar and sat there. He threw out his five Vespa II’s and it was on. I couldn’t believe that he would actually try and take me on in a hulk. 1 minute into the fight I was in flames and running off pretty fast. I repaired and tried again. This time I took out three of his drones before I had to go. If he only had 2 drones now I thought I could take him, I had no idea what was in store for me next. I called a friend of mine to help me out if he could get here in time. We fleeted up and he was coming from 8 jumps out in an Amarr Battle cruiser. The guy didn’t come back in a hulk this time thought, but this time in an Orca. My friend Zoe was 1 jump out now and ready to come in at a moment’s notice. The Orca spat out five Vespa II’s just as the hulk did and attacked me along with taking my cans and putting them into his cargo hold. Zoe said go for it and I tackled him up, trying to stay alive long enough for him to get here and take him out. Zoe didn’t have any tackling equipment, if I were to die the Orca would have gotten away and I would have been pissed. For some reason I was able to shoot down each Vespa II down within a very short amount of time. With no other friends even close we sat there for 15 minutes as the Orca pilot begged us to stop firing and he would pay us. A couple weeks back I tried to ransom a Destroyer but he ejected from his ship and ran off. I learned my lesson the first time. I was yelling into the mic at Zoe to not stop fire until we had either blown this thing up or received payment. We never did receive payment and 15 minutes later with help from Zoe, he had blown up a capital industrial ship. His friend finally did arrive in system 4 minutes after we had destroyed his Orca. They opened communications and exploded to us that the pilot was stupid enough to take us on and it was his own fault. They were however extremely mad at me. Zoe was playing Mr. Innocent and playing the victim and saying he was drug into it. He had no idea until he got into system. I found it extremely funny and let them believe that I was the bad guy and Zoe was an innocent angle. He have had some fun times Zoe. Take care in your new corperation.

the conversation went something like this

RagingRifter > i kiilled your orca!!!!!!
Saruwatari Kaito > so
Saruwatari Kaito > still a chicken whimp
Saruwatari Kaito > oohh i'm shaking
Becoming Insane > did u trick tht poor man then kill his orca lol ..
RagingRifter > he shot me
RagingRifter > i was in a rifter for God's sake
Becoming Insane > self defence then well done
RagingRifter > i am the victim
Saruwatari Kaito > yes, and your gang mates, oh your so smallllll pea brain, to lazing to mine yourself
RagingRifter > i didnt want your ore
RagingRifter > i wanted your orca. and i got it
Zoe Nobel > Raging you told me it was self diffence
Saruwatari Kaito > he was stealing ore
Zoe Nobel > oh
RagingRifter > it was self defence
RagingRifter > 5 vespa II's vs a rifter
Saruwatari Kaito > no it was not you were stealing ore
RagingRifter > i was defending my stolen ore
Jackson Grey > lol
RagingRifter > what's so wrong with that
Zoe Nobel > Sorry Sarwatari been a very big misunderstanding :0(
Saruwatari Kaito > your stolen ore, you stole it from me pea brain
RagingRifter > i flipped em
RagingRifter > you need to use another word besides pea brain
Deathspawn 1 > what i dont understand is why are you jet can mining when you have an orca
Saruwatari Kaito > so you admit being an ore thief
RagingRifter > i thought i was the one that was suppose to me smack talking you
Thorneleos > good question
RagingRifter > yes
Zoe Nobel > Sorry Saruwatari I dont tolerate ore thieving if i had known i wouldnt have shot you
Saruwatari Kaito > Zoe, no problems
RagingRifter > no i want to be the good guy now
Saruwatari Kaito > no, you are just the bad guy, you stole other peoples ore
Becoming Insane > friday night entertainment lolz
Saruwatari Kaito > lol
RagingRifter > want to fight again saruwatari?
RagingRifter > this time i will kill your titan
Saruwatari Kaito > no, not worth it you always run like a chicken
Thorneleos > everyone tries to run when they are dieing you just need to keep them there till their dead :)
RagingRifter > ya where was your scram?
Jackson Grey > sorry i was 14 jumps away I'm here now (lol)
Saruwatari Kaito > dose it matter you still ran like a little girl
RagingRifter > ya it does
Zoe Nobel > sorry Jackson your too l8t
Jackson Grey > i was going to be dead against you anyway Zoe
Deathspawn 1 > i will fight you raging and your corp mate im bored need something to shoot at ;)
Zoe Nobel > Im sorry for this whole mix up
Zoe Nobel > Death im a miner no pvp'er
Jackson Grey > hey that cool, shit happens
Saruwatari Kaito > Zoe i don't blame you, its only a game at the end of the day
Zoe Nobel > No hard feelings didnt know what rage was up to
RagingRifter > an orca a day keeps the doctor away
RagingRifter > ok i will stop
RagingRifter > but i am just saying have you ever killed one

One second Enemy next Ally and Wingman

After getting power hungry and getting tired of the Ceo never being on I decided why not start a corp. Chiro came along and was my other director. Chiro and I soon set out recruiting some fighting pilots to assist us in our power hungry, dictator corporation. Me being bored for hours I decided I would start ratting and see if someone wouldn’t loot my left over wrecks. Sure enough there he was. I warped in to see a red blinking character warping off. I followed him from a couple belts until I got a lock onto him. I wasn’t really looking to kill him but test out the capabilities of my ship. I so far have only killed two ships and one of them didn’t shoot back. I convo-ed him asking him if he just wanted to fight for kicks, he obliged and we started the spiral of doom. I brought his kestrel into armor pretty fast. I shut down all but one auto cannon just to keep his tank down. Two cycles later I accidently killed him while we were chatting. He had no problem with it and I took his wreck to him where he had docked and gave it back to him in an exchange for another non-lethal fight. He showed me some cool maneuvers as well as how to scan belts as I did not know to before I met him. This Pilots name was Hergazi and I would soon trust him with my life. I offered him to join the corp. he accepted and we went off looking for something to do.

Being newer players the only way we knew how to fight was flipping a can and hopeing something would happen. Hergazi downloaded the 2D star maps and spotted a system with low moving traffic and belts galore. When we arrived I tested my on board scanning skills out while Hergazi was racing throughout the system. “Got a named Can here” were the words that shot happiness right into me. We warped in and saw a retriever and two destroyers all in the same corp with all different canisters. With only two of us we flipped two cans and sat there waiting for something to happen. There were four of their corp members in system. Soon realizing we need to get Hergazi more of a tank, we refit for some more serious Dps coming our way. We were T1 only fitting a Rifter and Kestrel. When we came back there were two destroyers and a Merlin. Hergazi and I soon look out the destroyers and the Merlin with some focused fire. It seemed that our opponents were not aware of focusing fire which soon gave way to us taking out their first wave with only my shields scratched and Hergazi’s shields at half. These people didn’t seem so eager to give up but we seemed to be fired up and couldn’t give up while the going was good. With their destroyers and frigates gone they decided to warp in a Gallente cruiser, drake and another Merlin. At this point Hergazi wasn’t agro towards them, just me. I took on the Merlin but it seemed a glitch had appeared as the Merlin disappears with only his pod remaining. He discovered that the Merlin pilot had shot at Hergazi and had concord come in and save the day without our knowledge. The drake had not fitted drones or a web so we just zoomed around for some time until we had to re-group. The only real threat was staying close to the drake and taking the Gallente Cruiser’s Drones. Unfortunately our luck had run out and they had gotten their brains back and fitted drones and a web to the Drake. I had been webbed but Hergazi was good and got away. He came back after a couple minutes to try and loot my wreck. Apparently that Gallente Cruiser’s wreck was there with no Drake to be found. We made out from the enemy’s wrecks to pay for five new half million Rifters. I would consider that a win of maybe not getting the kill mails but having destroyed all of their ships except the drake… To this day I can figure out how the Gallente Cruiser had been blown up. I could fabricate that the Drake had gotten angry that the Kestrel didn’t explode and took it out on his friend. Highly unlikely but any ideas?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

First Kill

There you are, you have a target lock and your heart is about to start break dancing. That first kill for a newer player like myself, was amazing. I was in a system Onuse, that I had flipped someone’s can which they took back. I of course opened fire and blew up his Mammoth. I was excited because as defenseless as the thing was it was still a kill. As I was rejoicing with some other corp-mates, the pilot I had just killed was ready for some payback. He flew a couple systems away to get his Rupture. I am a Minmetar Pilot so my ship of choice at this time was the Rifter. It was T1 fitted and only weighed is at a half a million Isk. I was brewing a pot of coffee and when I came back to see a Rupture targeting me I was very ambitious to figure out if I could take it. Throwing my little T1 afterburner on I tried to let him not track me. I got in as close and as fast I could. He of course deployed drones and was pounding me. He had a disruptor fitted and a target painter but no web…. Just a bit odd but, it help me out, so no complaints. I couldn’t just get a Mammoth when a perfectly good Rupture was just sitting there. I got my friend in a Gallente HAC to zip down there and help me out. Of course this other pilot did steal his ore back so I had 14 minutes 59 seconds to tease him until the last second my friend warps right on top of him and we took him. It was fun but sooner or later I wanted a real 1 v 1 kill. I had no idea what was in store.

First Death

One of the first actual corporations that I joined was located in Caldari Space only two jumps out from Jita. The Ceo was a Caldari pilot that mainly did level 4 missions in his heavily tanked Raven. Of course he was recruiting noobs and had recruited a person that would one day be my other corps director. His name was Chiro. It was funny because people messed up his name. It is said like a chiropractor. Anyways Chiro and I went to see if I couldn’t break his Hurricanes tank in my newly fitted T1 stabber. We soon found out that it wasn’t the little engine that could. On return to the HQ an Incursus and a Pilgrim locked, scrammed, webbed and energy neuted me. it took them four seconds or so and I was spamming the warp out button with only my pod. I had no idea we were at war. What happened was we apparently joined an alliance that was at war and they decided, "hey let’s pick on people in empire". We requested some help from the bigger guns but they had an excuse of it was too far for them to warp. Lesson learned… stabber can’t kill a hurricane ( If you can show me the kill mail then the hurricane was a fail fit and you know it) as well alliances can sometimes be like unions and not do much. If you join a 0.0 alliance just go to 0.0 space. They will be able to actually help you.